Tuesday 12 August 2014

The Hero's Journey Unfolding

I had a sudden flash, insight today. It came from nowhere, an overwhelming feeling to go to my tower on the hill, kneel on the altar and pray.

I entered and knelt on the massive stone (my altar?) looking east, straight out through the door of my tower. There I see before me, framed perfectly within the door way of my tower, the concrete dwelling of my nemesis.

This is no accident. This is no mistake. This is meant to be.

Something is playing out here that has humbled me to my core. I prayed for forgiveness, forgiveness for making judgements, forgiveness for my arrogance. I meditated and felt this truth. This is the hero's journey playing out.

Through the same man that I receive my nemesis, I also receive a special gift of love. Who is this man? Is he a shaman, or is he a trickster? Perhaps it depends on how his gifts are received.

I give thanks for insight and continually pray for guidance on this hero's path.


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