Saturday, 12 November 2011

Why are you sleeping?

Why are you sleeping?

Have you not awakened yet, to the noise and the calamity going on around you?

How can you sleep to that?


Thursday, 3 November 2011

Through the Eyes of a Child I See.

When I become like a child I see ...

that I feel sad ...

for those ...

who don't see ...

what I see.

The beauty that exists now.

The wondrous possibilities ahead.

And the adventure that lies between now and then.


Thursday, 27 October 2011

What is Day of Judgement?

The world is heating up. Time is moving faster. Chaos is rising.

Judgement Day is just around the corner.

But Judgement Day is not about the Creator (or anyone else) coming to judge us.

It's about seeing that We and the Creator are one.

With flickers of doubt remaining, as to this reality, we will be placed in a position where we will be required to make a conscious decision of deep conviction based on nothing more than INTUITION. Also known in the Christian context as 'a leap of faith'.

The Day of Judgement will have to do with mankind deciding as a collective whether it wishes to continue on the unconscious path of destruction that we are on, or wake up and begin creating a new world in co-operation with others. Otherwise known as Conscious Co-creation.

When we wake up, we will know why we are here and we will know what our purpose is here and recreating our world in a conscious and co-creative way will be as easy as watching the rain fall.

Trust the heart and all will be well.


Saturday, 15 October 2011

The boy who swam against the tide, dissolved into the ocean, and resolved into a new world.

This is a story about a boy.

A boy who could take no more.
Of the troubles of the world.

Every day he went and sat by the ocean,
Observing the pulse of mother earth,
watching the tide, rising and falling,
and the pattern created by the undulations and movements of the water.

One day, he felt something coming from the ocean,
a peace and stillness no words could utter.

A voice, a calling he could not resist.
He unclothed himself and entered.
Closed his eyes, stretched his arms out forward, and swam.
And as he swam, with his eyes closed and feeling his peace,
he felt himself as a drop, dissolving into the ocean.
Sinking, deeper and deeper.

As he dissolved himself completely, he became awakened, to an existence previously unknown.

The boy felt an awakening, and with it an urge, an impulse, a desire.

To arise once again from the ocean, and to express, this desire, to flower.

As he came up from the water and opened his eyes. He looked around him and realised that he had swum out so far that he had lost sight of land.

The water around him felt warm and comforting. He felt that the current of the ocean was carrying him gently along, and to where, he had no idea. Yet he felt peaceful and calm. He felt that he had died and that perhaps this was just a dream.

Soon though, land appeared, an island. He felt the current of the ocean moving him closer towards this new land.

And so a new adventure begins ...


Friday, 18 March 2011

Rise of the new leaders.

One amongst many, that's what I am.

The time for new leaders has come.

Waking up, to the truth.

Rising up, for Justice.


Monday, 28 February 2011

No hay nada que cualquier persona me puede decir

Me parece, que he perdido algo.

Que profundamente me duele.

Estoy roto.

Estoy en trocos.

Es un proceso interno tan intenso que he observado através del tiempo que no hay nada que cualquier persona me puede decir que puede resolver esta 'rotura'.

Es mio.

Este proceso es mio.

Es una lucha entre realizar deseos y acceptar lo que hay ahora, en este momento.

Es dificil acceptar lo que hay. Me siento una soledad profunda.

Es dentro de la solitud que existe la solución?

De enterarse en la tierra de la solidad.
Como una semilla en la tierra,
Escuchando la voz de las estrellas en el cielo oscuro.
Esperando por el momento justo para salir a saludar el sol de un nuevo día.

Alli es donde esta?

No lo se.

Voy donde me lleva el camino, aunque tengo miedos, voy a enfrentar cada paso con una mente y corazón abierta.

La unica cosa que se, es que no se nada.


Thursday, 24 February 2011


What do these moments mean? When life brings me to my knees?

Is it my own blind deception that leads me down this road of suffering?

Or is it the Great Spirit, trying to show me something, and me too afraid to look at it? and so I wander, with my eyes closed, until finally I stumble and fall to my knees again?

What is His Will?

What does He want from me?

Does He not want what I want? Are we not the same?

He whispers to me, telling me that what I want, I cannot have and that I can only have everything I want when I've truly accepted everything that I already have.

To not accept everything that I have is to not be grateful for what I have.

And how can I be gracious, how can grace fall upon me, if I am not grateful and with an open heart?

If I do not recognise the fortune that I have then how can I be lucky?


Sunday, 13 February 2011

Do what I love, with love, and do it well.

Why do I stress myself about getting things done?

If I love what I do ...

then why should there be stress?

All will take care of itself in time will it not?

I want to do what I love, with love, and do it well.

I don't want to let the stress
of getting it done
get in the way
of being
in love
doing it.
